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Saint David Lewis Plaque Fund

Sunday 30th May 2010.


Dear Friends of Saint David Lewis.


Yesterday, Saturday 29th May; Tea in the garden hosted by Angela Ashley-Smith and Chris O’Brien turned out to be Tea in the house owing to inclement weather, however… grey skies and a little precipitation did not dampen the tremendous atmosphere that adorned the home of Angela.


Amidst this glorious atmosphere was a table fit for a King, with all manner of freshly cut sandwiches, various cakes, fresh fruit and so much more. This was followed with a free raffle kindly donated by the Abbey and friends of our patron; for whom the winners relished in their prizes. Shortly after the raffle, a crystal pyramid with an angel at its centre inscribed by laser was shown to the eager auction bidders! The auctioneer asked for a bid of £5.00 and immediately got it! Followed by very fierce competition; the auction concluded with a bid of £30.00, won by Brenda Werrett.


At the end of this wonderful day the money was counted: With the donations of very kind hearted people and the proceeds from this great day, the total came to a staggering £290.00, further donations came in the next day of £17.00 giving us a grand total of £307.00 towards our target of approximately £550.00.


May I take this opportunity to thank ‘Our Hosts’ Angela and Chris for their great achievement and all FRIENDS OF SAINT DAVID LEWIS who supported this glorious fundraising event.


My Love and Prayers






This year’s Pilgrimage takes place on
Sunday 17th August 2008


10.00am Monmouth to Welsh Newton


 Pilgrims set off to walk to Welsh Newton from St. Mary’s Church, Monmouth after Mass. Everybody welcome – bring a packed lunch.


3.00pm Welsh Newton


We meet for Rosary, Readings and Prayers at St. John Kemble’s Grave in the Churchyard at Welsh Newton.


4.15pm Monmouth


Benediction follows in St. Mary’s Church, and afterwards tea will be served in the garden, and produce sold.


People have prayed at St. John Kemble’s Grave from the time of his martyrdom in 1679 to the present day.


The Annual Pilgrimage is a blessing for the parish And all who come.



All enquiries to:
The Pilgrimage Secretary:
Mrs M Walsh Telephone Monmouth (01600) 713316


at Llantarnam Abbey
Saturday 31st May 2008




Friends of Saint David Lewis (The Group and Website) send their love and prayers too: Sister Alice, Sister Columcille, Sister David Lewis, Sister Eileen, Sister Esther, Sister Ellen, Sister Genevieve and Sister Helena. We join in with the celebrations of your fifty years of serving Our Lord within the Congregation of St. Joseph of Annecy.


May you all walk in the Light of Our Lord for many more years to come, enjoy His presence on your journey of faith and feel his love from His Most Sacred Heart.


Dear Lord Our Father, send forth the Holy Spirit with divine wind and touch the hearts of our Sisters, give them strength and courage to continue your will along the path of your glory.


Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers.



Archbishop of Cardiff


His Grace, The Most Revd Peter David Smith LLB, JCD


Will be at Our Lady Of The Angels for Confirmation on
Wednesday 23rd April 2008 (St. George Day).


 Heavenly Father, we ask so much, and give so little.


Grant those who are about to receive the Holy Sacrament of Confirmation, Will not suffer illness or misfortune to prevent them from receiving The Holy Spirit. We ask in the name of The Blessed Trinity to guide, protect and strengthen,


Our Archbishop Peter.


Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

340th Anniversary of His Martyrdom   (Su
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